Sonically and totally the new 15xx series Rotel gears are very different from the old 10xx series gears. The latest 15xx series gears such as the RB-1582 Mkll stereo amp, the RMB-1585 five-channel amp, the RB-1590 stereo amp & the RA-1592 integrated amp sounded fulsome rich warm, much fuller sound and much smoother much more refined sounding than the old 10xx series gears. The newer 15xx series amps have more body and volume and smooth highs and are much quieter than the old 10xx series amps due to much lower noise floor (better S/N ratio). The new latest 15xx series gears have been greatly improved over the old 10xx series gears.
I agreed that the old 10xx series Rotel sounded cold grainy somewhat thin and very forward and can be kinda bright and can be fatiguing at times when not carefully matched with the right associated speakers, cables, upstream components and front end source components, etc. I found the old 10xx series Rotel gears possessed somewhat grainy trebles but I can assure you that the new latest 15xx series gears are nothing like that at all, in fact it’s a total opposite of that of the old 10xx series characteristics I just described, especially true with the higher end or flagship new 15xx series gears such as the RMB-1585 amp, RB-1582 Mkll amp, RB-1590 amp, RA-1592 integrated amp. These new latest 15xx series amps are much more refined sounding than the old 10xx series amps and they exhibited midrange bloom warmth and richness similar to that of McIntosh gears.
As a matter of fact, when reviewing the Rotel RMB-1585 amp for Stereophile, Kalman Rubinson (Stereophile senior reviewer) commented that the RMB-1585 exhibited greater level of warmth compared to his McIntosh MC303 amp and the Parasound Halo A31 amp that he had on hand.
But IMO the Parasound Halo A51 overall is a better amplifier than the Rotel RMB-1585.