PSB Synchrony One's or Legacy Classic HD's

I am considering either of these two speakers, and curious to hear comments of anyone who has compared them, or knows both of them.

I have read plenty reviews on the Synch One's, but none of the Classic HD's. I have also heard both speakers but in very different rooms with very different equipment.

In particular I am after something in that price range with an excellent open uncoloured midrange, smooth highs, and fast/detailed bass, and non fatiguing. And not too power hungry (have a Simaudio 100W I3 amp).

Hi there
Well I have optimised my gear with a full suite of Morrow cables (which are terrific and extremely good value), plus an Oppo BDP83 modified with a terra firma clock...another seriously good value.

I have found a buyer for my Synch Two's so I can take the next step. I can now get the Synch Ones at a much better price than the Classics.

Out of interest, how big a listening room are you using for your Synch One's?

My room is about 14 x 20 foot. Will I get overload bass if I use the 3 port plugs?

This is a follow on to my comment above dated 01-22-10. As Emily Litella might say, "Ohhhh, never mind".

I wish to humbly but firmly retract my criticism of the Synchrony Ones as being colored or bright. I have now traced my listening displeasure to two other sources. First, I was using an amplifier that had inadequate current drive which caused soft clipping on peaks, giving a general impression of strangeness. Second, the room treatment panels I was using didn't absorb well at frequencies above 5 kHz, and this created an "acoustic fog" which overwhelmed the Synchrony Ones' excellent high frequency imaging. With those two items corrected, the Synchrony Ones are great performers.

My apollogies to PSB and to Audiogon members for my error.

Bad dog Charlie, bad dog. You've gone and done terrible things Charlie...

(I also own a pair Synchrony 1's and love them).