The Future of Audio Amplification

I have recently paired an Audio Research DS225 Class D amplifier with an Audio Research tube preamplifier (SP8 mkii). I cannot believe how wonderful and lifelike my music sounds. The DS225 replaced an Audio Research SD135 Class AB amplifier. Perhaps the SD135 is just not as good as some of the better quality amps that are out there, but it got me thinking that amazingly wonderful sonance can be achieved with a tubed pre and Class D amp. I have a hunch that as more people experience this combination, it will likely catch on and become the future path of many, if not most audiophile systems. It is interesting that Audio Research has been at the forefront of this development.
Class D manufacturers, big and boutique, have years of experience / dollars tied-up in this technology. They are 'here' to make money. They won't chase a doomed topology this deep into the proverbial rabbit-hole. For now Class D makes dollars and cents, until something else comes along. And when it does, I'll be checking it out too.

Gotta love innovation! I've never looked at audio as a dollar thing, but instead a doing thing. Pretty faceplates are a short lived thrill for me, a distraction honestly. Fashion changes on a whim, in the end though is the recorded and playback soundstage.

Michael Green

Plasma TV has a tube like sensitivity in warmth, color and engaging the viewer. I’ve moved on to top of the line LCD TVs with higher resolution and brightness, a solid state like sensitivity. OLED TV is similar to a combination of the two prior technologies.   

Each type has its own limitations (LCD-picture uniformity, viewing angle, OLED-brightness in white scenes, motion judder Plasma-heat , resolution).
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Yeah. Look at some of the tube amps that have been recently reviewed with claimed output of 60 to 100 watts per channel and deliver 2 or three watts at best at 10% distortion!!!! And you crap all over class D amps. Give us a break, PLEASE!