ahhhh no. people come on this site and proclaim that a 50 year old design beats the best designs of today. "read the thread" I have heard LP12's and I can tell you that although they sound good when tuned, to make statements that confuse people into thinking the LP12 is as good as most tables today is a farce at best. way too much effort and money has to be put into these tables to get them to sound decent. Its not worth it and a Basis 2001 is not what I would call a table that competes in the price range of a Linn although it probably sounds as good in many respects for a lot less money. Tinkering for decent sound is just not worth it. for the money of a radical, i do not want to ever have to tinker my friend. Rega rp6 is very strident as most of the regas especially with strings but I would say that a rp8 for example strident and all, competes with the Linn radical. In fact, I bet a lower end linn sounds almost as good as the top linn
What I would say is if you already have a linn, there are ways to make it sound better at a cost. If you can find one on EBAY for less than a 1000.00 and want a project, the Linn can fill your needs.
It is true that if you like the sound of the LInn, by all means enjoy it.