linn sondek tt

Does anybody still buy this? I just noticed many of their old dealers are gone.i wonder why?
actually a used Debut or even a 2200 would be much better. I think a used Debut costs much less that a Linn Klimax Radical and their is no comparison Tonto.
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ahhhh no.  people come on this site and proclaim that a 50 year old design beats the best designs of today.  "read the thread"  I have heard LP12's and I can tell you that although they sound good when tuned, to make statements that confuse people into thinking the LP12 is as good as most tables today is a farce at best.  way too much effort and money has to be put into these tables to get them to sound decent. Its not worth it and a Basis 2001 is not what I would call a table that competes in the price range of a Linn although it probably sounds as good in many respects for a lot less money.  Tinkering for decent sound is just not worth it.  for the money of a radical, i do not want to ever have to tinker my friend.  Rega rp6 is very strident as most of the regas especially with strings but I would say that a rp8 for example strident and all, competes with the Linn radical.  In fact, I bet a lower end linn sounds almost as good as the top linn

What I would say is if you already have a linn, there are ways to make it sound better at a cost.  If you can find one on EBAY for less than a 1000.00 and want a project, the Linn can fill your needs.

It is true that if you like the sound of the LInn, by all means enjoy it.
@tzh21y Are you another one of these guys who knows very well the sound of the LP12, but unfortunately has never heard one??

I suspect that is exactly the case here, otherwise you wouldn’t be posting what you did.
The Rega rp6 is very are most Rega’s?? How would you know if the Rega rp8 competes with the Radikal...if you have never heard either table...and certainly not in an ’AB’???
A Basis Debut is a great table, but now very long in the tooth. A friend used to own one, sold it to replace it with.....LOL!

The current Basis Signature 2800 would be a table that I think could actually compete with the top LP12 Klimax, and in some ways probably better it, but what price difference are we talking here...?
I have heard the Linn, actually the best Linn and I have a friend that has an old Linn.  I have heard the older Linn some time ago as he does not use the Linn anymore.  My recent listen was to a top of the line setup and when I came home, my VPI Scout sounded pretty close and actually better in some ways.

I will admit that you guys have me intrigued now.  I may have to go listen to one again.  The dealer I went to listen to one at is not longer in business.  The North American distributor is 5 minutes from my house.  They will not let me listen to one and say I have to drive 200 miles to go to a Linn dealer.  omg