After a (weeks) worth of listening...

What lp would you recommend the most to other members here?

I belong to several music threads and have gained much knowledge and have just as much to share..

Here is a chance to post what you've imagined is your (one) most enjoyable moment/lp of the past week of listening.

Having to choose, right now, and getting this thread started, I'd choose..

Gary Wright "The Dream Weaver"

Brewer and Shipley - "Tarkio"

I had never heard this record until I found this sealed original release in the used bin at my LRS. $5.99 later and I was out the door with a fresh sealed copy of this 1970 record. I had only heard the single "One Toke Over the Line". Always enjoyed the song. The album is similar as far as musical style goes. I really like it a lot.
Bob Welch - "French Kiss". Re-discovered treasure on my record shelf........