linn sondek tt

Does anybody still buy this? I just noticed many of their old dealers are gone.i wonder why?

forewarned=forearmed : from gains pains and capital

Jerome Powell is worth over $100 million. He is not using his position as Fed Chair to launch a later career giving speeches for $250K or signing advisory deals as former Professors Bernanke and Yellen were.

As a result of this, Powell actually believes in his role as Fed Chair as it was originally intended… namely to focus on the ECONOMY, not the stock markets. He isn’t interested in maintaining the Bernanke/ Yellen created Everything Bubble. He is interested in getting the Fed back on course by normalizing policy.

With that in mind, the stock markets will be returning to levels associated with ECONOMIC realities, rather than their bubbly heights.  Economically sensitive assets such as Lumber and Housing have made it clear where that is: 2,100 on the S&P 500.

Post removed 
The FED is not a government entity. It is a private banking cartel, forced upon the USA. Literally.

When you follow the dominoes that fall from such an understanding, you arrive at the fact or point, that any discussion of the stock market or wall street is a weird pear shaped discontinuity in logic and reason... as the ground it walks on -and is built out of- is a tightly controlled fantasy.