@stargazer3 For the OP what are the pros and cons in relation to damping for amplifiers; eg Hegel store great reliance for damping in relation to driving difficult speakers.
There is no con to high damping if done properly. However more than 20 will have little effect and may cause the designer to do some bad things to achieve it. When a designer goes to maximize his favorite parameter he can go too far and other things will suffer. In this case stability from oscillation. There are many amplifiers out there waiting for the wrong load and their own destruction.
I have seen many amps with very high damping oscillate into a 0.1 uF load which is typical of some speaker cables. Smoke and shorted output transistors was the result. The cause is too much feedback and assuming that if the amp is ok with the standard 2 uF test load it will be stable with smaller capacitive loads. Many well known amps are not. I tested an early ADCOM that took of with 0.1 uF. I did it for one second. A few more seconds would have been the smoke test.
Do you have a link to Hegel, I would like to read it?