Monitors that use the Dynaudio Esotar Tweeter

Interested in monitor speakers that use the Esotar tweeter. Anyone have some recommendations?
i owned the sonus faber amator electors . if you can purchase them used at a good price, you may want to consider these monitors.
I'm sure you are right. You know about this than I do. The other part is more subjective...
I am having Craft from Dynaudio and really very nice speakers but it's need more power.
souljasmooth107 posts02-09-2010 1:33pmDynaudio Crafft
Dynaudio Confidence 3
Sonus Faber Extrema
Sonus Faber Guarneri Homage
Sonus Faber Electa Amator I
Eggleston Fontaine
Eggleston Isabel
Speaker Art Proklaim I
Merlin VSM
Silverline SR17-newest version
Dynaudio Special 25

Thanks for this list! I recently pickup a used pair of Merlin VSMs, probably 17-20yrs old. Absolutely love them! Confirming Esotars are my top tweeter driver for years now. First used them in my car back in the early 1990s. They pair well with ScanSpeak mids/midbass drivers.