Integrated amp suggestions for Spendor S5e

Looking for recommendations for SS or tube integrated amp for
Spendor S5e speakers.

Thanks in advance.
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Third any of the Naim amps, but you should seriously consider the Bada 222. It is incredibly good. There's one up for sale now for about $350 or so.
I'd agree that a good solid state amp is better for the S5e. (However, I prefer tube amps with the "classic" Spendor series.)

I owned a pair of S5es for a year or two and they worked quite nicely with a Bel Canto S300. BC makes an integrated version of that amp that you can often pick up used for about $1K.
Okay..... I'll be the dissenting voice. I've listened to most of the Spendor line to include the S5e with various Naim. The Sim and Sugden both clearly sounded better. More resolution, dynamics with control of bass and in particular the vocals were more open. Cabling was Analysis Plus Oval Nine.

I await the barrage.