YTER Speaker Cables - Feedback Wanted

Has anyone had an opportunity to audition the new YTER speaker cables made by Sonus Faber.

I current own Transparent Ultra's and was wondering is these new YTER cables would be a step up in performance.

Also does anyone know how much they cost?

Any feedback from users would be much appreciated.
I have the amati homage. Its tweeter is a bit edgy with other speaker cables (kondo silver speaker wire, audience au24 as well). I tried the yter speaker cable today and to be honest its the missing link to make my system really sing.

I hope you can try it before buying the more expensive cables around like what I did. My other interconnect kondo ksl lp and tara labs.
Howdy, just picked up a set of Yter Ag-Pd interconnects.  Trouble is, they’re picking up a lot of fuzz.  Controled for a ground loop without any luck.  I’m wondering whether these cables are shielded.  Does anyone know?  Maybe someone has tips on how to reduce the hum.  Thank you in advance!