Tube info

Looking for suggestions for 12AU7 driver tubes in power amp. Looking for suggestions on NOS but affordable. Thank you in advance!
What sound are you looking for and position really matters driver vs input etc. Anyway you have a nice long list to choose from at reasonable prices. My favorites are Amperex yes esp 7316 overall detail and excellent tonal balance very quiet and for a strong clean signal use a 5814 mostly RCA. these are also consensus picks good luck and roll what you don’t like. Want a mellower richer tone go for a Mullard or Brimar!
The M125 monoblocks...

There are indeed only 2 driver tubes on each monoblock. If I’ve read this correctly, the driver stage generates higher than typical voltage, so there isn’t a separate gain stage.
The sonic effect of the driver tubes will be significant.

I've been using those expensive high test Mullards from Upscale for a while now.  Conrad Johnson PV10 tube pre-amp with ss monoblocks and the KEF ls50 with REL T5 subs.  The mullards sound good in this application because they smooth it out a little.