Best bookshelf speakers

I’m building my first high fi system after being more of a portable audio person. I want to start with the speakers. Space is limited so bookshelf speakers are a must.

Balanced and revealing with a hint of warmth.
Midrange most important to get right over highs and lows
Timbre is super important - I listen mostly to acoustic music especially jazz
But I do need some bass as I also listen to some electronic music
Smaller is better but SQ is most important
A speaker that sounds good with different amps but also scalable with high quality sources
Wide sweet spot - I wont have money for a great amp at first but want them to be scalable for later

These speakers have caught my eyes - any thoughts on them?

Ascend Sierra 2s - Ribbon = dispersion limitations?
BMR Philharmonitor - See above. Also massive.
Buchardt S400/S300 - Wary of the sudden hype train and limited info
Silverline Minuet Grande - Limited info
Reference 3A De Capo - This caught my eye as a potential endgame speaker if I could blow up my budget a little. But concerns about BE tweeter as well as some potential snake oil stuff (cryogenic treatment (!?)), exaggerated sensitivity claims and wonky measurements put me off.

What else should I be looking at?

Edit: I could have sworn I had <$2,000 in the title... Anyway, my budget is 2k.

Granted, I am a Harbeth fanboy, but I think you should give the Harbeth P3esr speakers a listen. In your price range, I also like the KEF LS50s, but I think if you can pony up a few $100 more, the Harbeths will meet all your requirements.

Note: the P3esr speakers start to attenuate at 75hz, but don’t pay any attention to that and just listen to them. I ended up adding a sub (two is better), but they really don’t need them. If you end up with the Harbeths, you’ll probably end up buying a sub or two down the road (I love spending other people's money)!
From what I’ve read, and in an email from Mads, they require at least 300 hours breakin and need some power.
Great, so just when the 30 day in home trial is expiring they may sound like they're supposed to.

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Certainly lots of choices in the is price range, but my shortlist would definitely include the KEF LS-50, especially at their new improved $999 price. That even leaves a cool $1000 subwoofer budget.  180 degrees away, Magneplanar .7s offer size, speed, and transparency that no cone-based speaker can offer in this price range.  And kinda/sorta in between, the GoldenEar Model 5 and Model 7 have more than a little street cred.  I mention these because the each represent a pinnacle of engineering, execution, and sound quality in their type and budget: mini-monitor, planar, and small floor-standing tower.