Chord Hugo power supply help

I just moved and mixed up all of my wall warts...
Several fit the Hugo but I was warned to only use the factory one.  My original power supply never said Chord on it.  Any help identifying the correct one please.  Can I use a different 12volt psu?
Hi Guys, thanks for trying.  It's easy to find one that should work.  However, I was told Chord requires their own PS for some unknown reason.  I'm hoping a Chord dealer can jump in here.
I would love to upgrade to a more robust PS if it's worth it.  There are plenty of higher quality ones available than the $5 wart that came with a $2000 DAC.
"Make sure V are the same, and that your power supply A is equal or greater than what Hugo wants."

I don't think you can go too much higher in the amps than what is specified for the unit.
P=VI, 12Vx1.5A= 18 Watts. That's the power requirement.

Is your Hugo the original battery powered version?  If so, I can supply the info from the power supply/charger from my Hugo.
RHL that is exactly what i need.  If its easier to just send a photo, please do.  Thanks, Emery  emfoods at yahoo .com