Feedback from Lyngdorf on whether Room Treatments can be used with Lyngdorf Room Perfect:
you do not ’need to’ remove anything
- but if you have ex. a bass-trap, we would recommend removing it, as having RoomPerfect removing energy from the signal is better for the speakers, than removing energy from the room through the bass trap
Best regards
Flemming Smith
The same sentiment was expressed by Alan Shaw on the HUG forum on the DSP discussion and Harbeth speakers.
OK, first thing to try is to make the room work with the GIK acoustic treatments and without the Room Perfect DSP. So I will try with the only amp I have at hand, my Peachtree Nova 150 and the Harbeth for a home demo. So I guess I have picked the local dealer for the Harbeth.
you do not ’need to’ remove anything
- but if you have ex. a bass-trap, we would recommend removing it, as having RoomPerfect removing energy from the signal is better for the speakers, than removing energy from the room through the bass trap
Best regards
Flemming Smith
The same sentiment was expressed by Alan Shaw on the HUG forum on the DSP discussion and Harbeth speakers.
OK, first thing to try is to make the room work with the GIK acoustic treatments and without the Room Perfect DSP. So I will try with the only amp I have at hand, my Peachtree Nova 150 and the Harbeth for a home demo. So I guess I have picked the local dealer for the Harbeth.