Streamer recommendations for dummies.

I’m new at this.
I need an e-net streaming device for AirPlay that can be set to a specific gain to prevent iTunes users from overwhelming my amp with the preset volume on their device. Anything above 60% is too much.
It would be nice to be able to EQ at the streamer as well, but the big problem is volume; when an iOS or OSX device sends a song to my amp at high volume (ear bud volume) it basically blows my bookshelf speakers off the stand.
amp: Hegel H160 -150 W RMS X2,   32-bit AKM DAC @ 24/192 except USB at 24/96 on 1 GB e-net.
speakers: SF Concerto on stands.Ben
Thanks guys, I appreciate all the ideas. I've read up on node2i, I will review the LUMIN option as well.Ben
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Wow, LUMIN  is $2 - $10K, I don't think I have the money to play the LUMIN game, they do however have some amazing hardware.
Actually, it seems if you are in England you can still buy Auralic ARIES MINI at strictlystereo, be fun to have 2 DACs to compare...
But you can't EQ with the ARIS mini - "The ARIES MINI, as we have advertised at the product launch, will not support EQ and placement compensation" For the additional money it would be nice to have EQ capability.