What separate tube phono stage do you use ?

Allnic, Manley and Herron are quite common. Interested in what else is out there that is not mentioned often. Good enough performance at the level of entry level Allnic and above. Lamm is great, I know.
Luxman EQ500. NOS tele and mullard tubes.  Hoping it will last until I am too old to hear.
I don't believe in "giant killers ", but there are components of outstanding value.

Inna, you are quite correct. The TRON Convergence is small and perfectly formed :) :)
Aesthetix IO Signature with combination of NOS and modern tubes. Sounds great to me, and absolute bliss every time I play records. Tubes are the only things I have replaced over the 13-14 years of ownership. Experimented with ASR battery phono in early 2000s and Einstein phono later on. I am convinced the Aesthetix will remain for a long time. 
+1 on Tavish.  Though I have limited experience with different stages, I put my Vintage Tavish is the same conversation with my Phonomena II.  The Phono was a great pre, but when it died, I wanted tubes.  The Tavish fit the need.  Though, the last I heard, there is a wait to get one.  
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