Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
@ oregonpapa, I don't always agree with your posts but your frequent links to what you consider great music is impressive and tells me that you are a lover of music as opposed to some where the actual performance takes second place to the components. I have friends like that with expensive systems and only a dozen carefully chosen albums in constant rotation.

May I suggest you try Filippa Giordano with an exceptional voice. Pop/operatic style who seems largely unknown and definitely underrated.  She has a high register that will treat your tweeters. Emotional stuff.
Oregonpapa and I both appreciate the music before the sound.  I have 7,000 78s and 1000's of CDs of historic pre-LP recordings which have fabulous performances.  With great remastering, the CDs present these recordings as dynamic and tonally rich, lacking in frequency extension and high resolution.  But there is so much musical performance enjoyment to be gained.  No rock or heavy metal,etc. from these recordings though.  One has to enjoy classical, jazz or pre-rock pop to enjoy this music.
lemonhaze ...

Thank you for your comments and the music recommendation. I'll check it out. As it's been said, if we all agree 100% of the time, then there's a whole bunch of us who are not necessary. :-)

Like fleschler, I have been collecting recordings over my lifetime, starting when I was a teenager. The first record I ever bought was a 78 rpm recording of Joe Houston on tenor sax. I think the record was titled "Go, Joe, Go." The second record was also a 78 record of "Earth Angel." Boy, does that take us back in time? That was 1953 and I was in the ninth grade. The records were 50-cents. Expensive, because I was earning 75-cents per hour as a busboy at Clifton's cafeteria in downtown Los Angeles as an after-school and weekend job. 

fleschler ...

Please allow some time to come over for a listening session. Things have improved dramatically since you were here last. You won't believe that you're listening to Signature III's. New goodies to share too. :-)

To everyone ... Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and much success in the coming new year. 

A Merry Christmas to you also, Frank. And wishing you the best of health and happiness in the coming New Year and beyond....
^^^ Thanks, carp ... nice to see you posting here. Always enjoy your input. Have a blessed day. :-)
