Klein & Hummel

Is anyone using Klein and Hummel 0300 or any similar pro monitor as a hifi/living room speaker?
I am using active ATC 100's - K&H are the same design philosophy (active speaker with high accuracy, good transient response + wide even dispersion) they even use ATC's midrange. The K&H O300D has excellent bass and would work in a farfield arrangement in your home (even if it is really designed to sit on the meter bridge)

Do you have a question?
I don't see why most monitors couldn't be used in the home.Some may be too ugly for wife approval,but otherwise,why not.I hope this doesn't start a big new thread although I haven't seen a lot of monitors.
thank you both for your time..
Shadorne my room is quite small (13x9) so I will listen near/midfield. It will be a dedicated room and I will try to treat it acousticaly...
Could you please tell me if the extra analysis of a studio monitor is a disantvantage?
Am I going to "hate" the extra information during long listening sesions?
(right now I have martin logan panels and I like the analytical sound...)
thanks again