Questions to ask as I shop for a tonearm?

I’ll be upgrading in 6+ mos. I’m asking now because I’m still learning. I want to take plenty of time to understand the relevant technical aspects of something so complicated & what makes one person love brand X & another person dislike it.

I have a George Warren tt & a Sumiko Blackbird cart I’m waiting for to put on the stock Rega 250. I’m also waiting for Christmas to hookup a Jolida JD9 mkII.  My budget will be ~$1500. While brand & model suggestions are appreciated... I want to learn about tonearms. As always, I appreciate the knowledge you all pass on to me.
That’s not my impression of 64fx pricing, given some patience. Now if you’re looking for a super-clean/mint example with box and all accessories and don’t want to wait for a hot deal, then sure it’s going to be north of 1500. These are quite old arms, and even though they hold up very well, the typical example shouldn’t be costing a fortune.

If you find a nice example without a headshell, then go for it. That's one premium you don't need to be paying; the FR headshells aren’t great anyways. Silver or copper wiring - both sound fine.
 the FR headshells aren’t great anyways.

There is a great FR headshell: model RS-141 is my favorite

See there’s already a really nice looking FR64fx posted by TMR today, within the op’s stated 1500 budget. I have no affiliation to that seller but I am a satisfied customer - I think they are very good on their item descriptions and stated operational condition. No headshell, but that’s easily remedied. Includes the very rare heavy counterweight. 

I think that’s a tasty deal for someone bold enough to give this classic arm a shot!