@justanotherhifiguy Is this the speaker you are considering?
https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=HB8MybMH&id=CF4936C85F6D756CDF2A517303...If so, that is one big puppy.
I looked at the KEF Ref 1, 3, 5 manual and you are correct when it lists 3m for side wall boundary. Though my discussion with KEF USA rep and also a KEF dealer indicated that the REF 1 will work fine in my room. Dealer was recommending the Micromega with analog MARS room correction just to be safe. Told me to not use MARS if not needed. I decided to try room treatments first with my KEF LS50s then branch out to the bigger speaker once the acoustic panels are settle in the proper place.
If you take a look at KEF Reference systems in A’gon members virtual systems here you will see setups with much less than 3m side wall spacing. Heck, I have seen Ref 3 against the side wall in some dealer HT systems. A poster to this thread has a photo of his Ref 5 very close to the walls. So I think the KEF Ref manual’s statements are not the final word on this issue.
I even conversed with KEF Blade owners who have put the Blades in near-field setups in rooms about my size (they liked it). I am too chicken to do that myself, though I have contemplated it. The Blades are side firing so they are even worse than the Ref line for side wall issues. The issue with Ref’s is supposed to be putting them too close to the rear wall (from a dealer comment). However, as I posted above, Alan Shaw from Harbeth indicates that front port or rear port does not matter when it comes to bass output (maybe I am stating this incorrectly, I think I provided a link to Shaw’s comments earlier).
I also had a very large monitor speaker before in the Thiel SCS4. It also has concentric drivers and not as much bass as the Ref 1. However, it is almost as big as the Ref 1. I tried that speaker in a room about my current office size and it worked OK. I need some treatments behind my couch but it was not tragic.
The TAD ME1 that I am considering has some side port features that seem to indicate that it can be placed rather close to the side walls. Expensive speaker though.
@tomic601 My kid had a lot of fun the last 2 days. I spent 4 hours getting his toy (don’t even know what to call it) setup on Christmas eve. My wife’s idea of buying it. He was a happy camper to see it when he woke in the morning. Lot of fun seeing all the neighbourhood kids out on Christmas day playing with the new toys.
"I know someone w TREO who I trust who has Lyngdorf and he js estatic about the sound he is getting...I have yet to hear his system, when next in Atlanta, I hope to. H9mework for me."
That is an interesting quote. I keep trying to dismiss the Lyngdorf but it keeps popping back up in