Bright or Dim?

Have you ever noticed that when listening to music in your listening area that music seems to sound better with the lights down? To me there is a rather noticeable difference. Could be just in my mind because that's how I like to listen, or is it something more biological/scientific than that?  Could it be that the lessoning of one sense enhances the other? Maybe it's just me. Anyway I thought I would see if anyone else has the same experience. Im sure if there is an actual reason for this phenomena, that someone on this forum will have the answer :) 

I am not sure if the music sounds better with lights dim but it is more enjoyable. At the same time, cars definitely drive better when they are clean. I am not sure about science behind it, but it works.
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@glupson haha. Yep. Agreed. Maybe sounds better is not a good way to phrase it. Im sure that " music" sounds the exact same unless audio equipment knows when its dark or light lol. So lets go with that..."more enjoyable" That way its totally subjective and no-one is wrong! wow that might be a first in audiophile history lol. Oh and I do agree about the car thing. 
This is about the ability to center oneself and the ability to direct and isolate focus. Those good at it can do so under remarkable conditions or circumstances.
@elizabeth All day? Must be nice. I wish I could listen to music all day everyday. Spoken like a retiree (thats just a guess no harm meant)