Sumiko Blackbird Cartridge

I have a Sumiko Blackbird cartridge that is not working. This happened after a routine stylus cleaning. The repair shop says it is dead. I am out quite a bit of money on this and want to know the best way to recoup any expense possible. Do I list it here as not working, usable for trade or retip? Any advise will be appreciated.
It seems there are a LOT of Blackbird owners ( or ex-owners may be more precise) with the exact same problems cropping up. This is not the only thread of late.Not sure what they have done to the build of them but I am glad I avoided the purchase of one when it was on my radar.Soundsmith maybe your only hope.... at a price.You may decide as others have to just cut your losses.Many more options out there to invest in that will likely give a far superior performance.YMMV of course!
I used to have it mounted to a VPI Classic / JMW, but have since moved on, no longer own the TT. I still remember how much I enjoyed the music from it. I hung onto the Blackbird never giving much thought after selling the TT. Just wondering if it is worth repairing; just haven't gotten around to it. I hate to let such a nice cartridge just sit around waiting for a potential resurrection of sorts.
Send it to Soundsmith as I did.  The first time, they were able to re-attach one of those hair-like wires that protruded from the side of the cartridge that I tried (don't do this, in other words) to tuck back in the grooves on the sides and broke.  It appeared they used some solder and joined the wires back together.  This may be all that is necessary with yours and if I remember, they charged me about $80 to do the repair.

Had the cart for a couple more years before the left channel went out.....sent it back to Soundsmith and this time they said it was dead and not repairable.  No charge for the evaluation, but I think that is because they had worked on it before.  You might be charged the evaluation fee ($75 if I remember correctly).  They are a company that deserves the high regard attributed to them (no affiliation by the way, just a pleased customer who has had several rebuilds done by them). If you like your Blackbird, this is how I would suggest you proceed.  For me, I am going to think twice before considering a cartridge that is as vulnerable as this one as even the slightest touching of the sides can be disastrous.  I'm pretty careful (although admitting the stupidity of my first try to "retuck" those wires) but when it comes to setting it up, man, it's a constant state of angst to avoid the sides of it and just grasp it where it is safe, and that is not an easy thing.