Thiel CS3.7 vs WP8?

The 2nd hand price of Wilson WP8 is dropping down fast! I am thinking of buying a pair of 3.7 but as the WP8's price is almost within reach, I wonder which is the better choice? I have CJ premier 350 and Herron Pre. Now using Thiel 3.6 with very good results. Wanting the next step up!!
I have heard the 3.7's and they are MUCH MUCH better than the 3.6's. I am not a huge fan of most Thiels but the 3.7's and the 7 series are very nice sounding. I have not heard the Wilson's but from what I gather reiterates what Stevecham says. All a matter of preference I guess.
If you like the Thiel sound you are probably not going to like the Wilson's............ my opinion ....... I also owned 3.6's and loved them ........... heard several wilson models including the maxx II and didn't care for them ....... The wilsons were not detailed enough to my liking .......... I also drove my Thiels with a cj premier 350 my pre was a cj 16lsII .........

For what it is worth I now own focal 1007 Be and drive them with a Cary SLI 80F1 which is also a great combination .....
For what it is worth the Stereophile review of the Thiel 3.7s compares the watt puppy 8 directly to the 3.7 (same room same system). They start comparing the two toward the end.

Thiel 3.7 review
WOW, It is getting interesting! I demoed the WP8 but no one has the 3.7 here. The WP8 is special in its own way, very exciting but the bass caught my attention. Neverhtheless, I think the WP has better dynamics and details than my Thiels. I wonder the 3.7 will have all these improvements as well? If I go with the WP8, I need to have tubes!! Yes, it will be a big move! Czbbcl, Why did you move away from Thiels?