Thiel CS3.7 vs WP8?

The 2nd hand price of Wilson WP8 is dropping down fast! I am thinking of buying a pair of 3.7 but as the WP8's price is almost within reach, I wonder which is the better choice? I have CJ premier 350 and Herron Pre. Now using Thiel 3.6 with very good results. Wanting the next step up!!
For what it is worth the Stereophile review of the Thiel 3.7s compares the watt puppy 8 directly to the 3.7 (same room same system). They start comparing the two toward the end.

Thiel 3.7 review
WOW, It is getting interesting! I demoed the WP8 but no one has the 3.7 here. The WP8 is special in its own way, very exciting but the bass caught my attention. Neverhtheless, I think the WP has better dynamics and details than my Thiels. I wonder the 3.7 will have all these improvements as well? If I go with the WP8, I need to have tubes!! Yes, it will be a big move! Czbbcl, Why did you move away from Thiels?
WAF is the only reason .............Otherwise I was looking into 7.2's .......... I started researching monitors and a member recommended that I look into the Focals...... After some research and deliberation I went in that direction ...... I like a lot of detail in my music especially in the mid to upper registers and the Thiels as do the focals provide that ...... If you heard the WP and liked them then perhaps they will work for you ....They just never pulled me into the music..... Good Luck .......
First, audiooracle, I don't think you ever auditoned the new Thiel 3.7 if you are linking Thiel 3.7 to lack of warmth or dynamic limitation. you are either caught in the past or taking words from others who are as less informed as you.
Having said that, going back to Luna's original question of Thiel 3.7 vs. WP8, I really don't think you can go wrong with either as they are both excellently built and sounding speakers. it all comes down to your listening evironment, your front end system, and your sonic preference.
If you are already doing well with your 3.6, then naturally, Thiel 3.7 should be the course. You already have systems matched to Thiel. 3.7 is a much better sounding speakers over even thiel's 7.2 and easier to drive, so, sounding and matching wise, you will have a winner I think.
Only reason I would personally think about moving to WP8 is if you are desiring more bass slam as that is what it offers more, and WP8 will be even easier speakers to drive.
However, if you room environment is not right, it would be a harder speaker to place right and control.
Even the best speakers won't sound right if it is placed in the wrong place. How many times have all of us experienced that ? mesmerized at the dealer but disappointed when bought and brought home ? "why don't they sound the same ??" ;-)
Given your situation, Thiel 3.7 seems more likly to win your ears right at your home with lesser risks. My personal thought that is.. It is a great speaker..
I have a friend who have had 3.7s ... been driving them with ARC Ref 210. He heard the Wilson Sophia II at my place, liked them a lot, so borrowed a pair from a dealer and eventually, ended up getting W/P 8s. To his ears, even the cheaper Sophia II speakers were superior to Thiels 3.7.