Thiel CS3.7 vs WP8?

The 2nd hand price of Wilson WP8 is dropping down fast! I am thinking of buying a pair of 3.7 but as the WP8's price is almost within reach, I wonder which is the better choice? I have CJ premier 350 and Herron Pre. Now using Thiel 3.6 with very good results. Wanting the next step up!!
My buddy has tried his 3.7's with a BAT VK55. This amp sounds wonderful but the 3.7's need more power to get the most out of them. He currently uses a Krell FPB-200. I believe Thiel recommends and uses Krell amps. Thiel is located right here in Lexington KY. If you want to email offline please do so and I can give you my buddies email and you can talk with him. your Herron preamp SS or tube design (i know they have both)? I would keep your CJ Premier 350 (excellent power amp with more than ample power to drive any speaker) and introduce tubes via the preamp if you are currently running SS. High quality, high wattage tube power amps can get pretty expensive. I think you can get better results of introducing tube sonics (bloom, fleshed out timbres/textures, etc...) via the pre-amp or even a tube-based digital source (CD or DAC). You will find a lot of threads on Agon that talk about this and advocate for a tube pre and SS power amp setup. Just a suggestion.
Cmalak has a very point. Tubes CAN get expensive in the higher wattages. The choice of interconnects and powercords also come in to play. Don't you just love this ;)
while we are on the subject of cables, I replaced silver speaker cables (HGA x32) with Nirvana SL for my Thiel 3.7 setup and worked out extremely well. So, I am now tempted to replace interconnect between cd source to pre-amp to either Nirvana sx or Cardas golden reference. I will let you all know how that works out if I can get my hands on one of them.
My Herron is tubed-VTSP2. It is neutral sounding and very musical. I can have no complaints with most musics but when listening to female vocials at night... I am missing my Audio Research and Proac 2.5 a bit! How can I have the best of both worlds??!!