Is it all in my head??

So I bought a Kimber Power Kord...  yeah, yeah, but it looks prettier than stock, is well built, and having built all my cables myself I appreciated the craftsmanship., I'm playing an Everest LP--symphony stuff.. and it always sounded noisy and muffled (which is why i decided to give it a spin).  The power cable is plugged into my furman conditioner, and all the other cables are the same.  I swear this LP sounds more "untangled" now (that's the best way i can describe it).

I am an engineer and know intellectually this makes zero sense--is it some confirmation bias?  How can it be.. i didnt buy it expecting a sonic impact, i bought it because i couldn't make one that looks as cool (think of it as a necklace for my rig).  But I swear I think i hear a difference...  tell me it's all in my head.
Now Geoff and Elizabeth, in the thread "which beveridge do you drink while listening" (paraphrase) no responses mentioned milk.
My guess is that the "naysayer's" response came from either a troll in a grammar school cafeteria or an actual E from the NASA control room on their milk and cookie break......

Sitting here, looking over at the rig--that PK-10 just *looks* cool .. maybe I'll leave it at that :)

If you ever want to experiment a bit, try an audio grade outlet. Pangea makes a good one for $100, available from audio advisor. It was a great improvement in my system, for the money. 
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