Used Processor for Cheap as Dirt Magnepan Theatre

As a lifelong Magneplanar fan, I would like to experiment with their home theatre speakers to surround a new desk in my office.

For front left and front right I will use a vintage pair of Magnepans, probably MG IBs or taller, but nothing less than 5 feet tall.

I may not ever watch an entire movie, play at loud volumes or use a subwoofer of any kind.

But I would like to create a more immersive, non fatiguing environment for watching televison, multi media web surfing, background music etc.

For each channel, perhaps a Behringer A500, whose virtues as a dirt cheap monoblock have been well praised in another thread.

Can someone help me complete the idea with the best bargain for a surround sound processor on the used market?

Or any other ideas for a system/application of this kind?

Thanks for any ideas.
The sony ta-9000es's are often 500-ish, but don't do any of the new higher rez audio codecs. 27 lb of audio computer that doesn't sound bad! No multi-ch analog in
Thank you for ideas so far.

Googling around for these candidates, it seems some were released before they even had component video inputs?

I am not hung up on the latest inputs (HDMI?)or switching, but do plan to also use multiple video inputs, where I would at least like to use component video inputs for HD TV.

The main thing is trying to get away from the home theatre in a box receiver format, which I assume uses cheap amplifiers and might defeat the purpose of higher resolution Magnepans.

I don't think I understand the latest codecs, or all the gee whiz surround sound processing....would just like good quality, in the spirit of 2 channel audio but with the extra channels for a more immersive sound when seated at a desk with multiple computer screens and television monitors.