Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 

     Thank You. Happy New Year to you and Tim also. I just moved to the Tampa to get out of the snow and cold. I am a very happy user of Total Contact. Upon setting my system up I removed the prior coating from all connections with alcohol and reapplied. 10 days after application it really sound good again but then I got a cold and can't really hear that much with all the congestion in my head. I am looking forward to trying the matts and cards soon in my system after the 60 day mark had passed. 
 I currently am in an apartment and was wondering if it will be possible to use the Gate without inserting it into a breaker panel?
I will be moving into a new home in March/April and cannot install solar on my concrete tile roof (too delicate) plus the HOA doesn’t permit any solar panel exposure. So, if the Gate works as proposed, I could install it instead of solar and hopefully reduce my power bills that way. I hope I don’t need a dozen the Gates as I do E-Mats. That would be expensive. I don’t see a change in my power bill using E-Mats, only audio and video bliss from them.
"January 2019 marks the one year anniversary of Perfect Path Technologies. Tim and I want to thank you all for your support and interest. 2019 is going to be incredible."

Congrats Tim and Krissy on the success of PPT.  We are all celebrating the outstanding sonic improvements brought to our systems by your products. I am looking forward to The Gate in 2019.
So, here’s a question. I had to change the batteries in my Walkman cassette player and in order to do that I had to take off the Omega E Mat temporarily. Does that mean I destroyed the field the mat establishes on the player or whatever? It seems much better this morning, lots of air, and, yes, I remembered to use the Graphene contact enhancer on the battery terminals.
@tuffy72561 Timmy has just the thing in mind for you. I can’t really spill the beans..... but it’s coming first part of 2019. <3 What are you, a mind reader? LOL. <3 If you own a voltage regulator or a power conditioner, you’ll love this release. . . .to be continued.
<3  <3

@geoffkait Timmy and I both agree.... you have a short amount of time (an hour give or take) to work in. <3 You should LOVE the contact enhancer on the terminals. <3 <3 You will hear significant improvement. <3 He’s been patiently waiting for you to try this for a year, you know. <3 LOL <3

<3 XOXO Krissy