Magicos are chesty

admit it.

"chesty" could be their best attribute. Heard a pair of Magicos recently. Don't know the model, but they were about $40,000 a pair. Just awful all around. The most non-musical speakers I've heard in years. Would be good maybe in a basketball or hockey arena to announce the starting line-up.
WOW thats a bad rap Magico people all over the world are crying.Oh well I'm sure what you got is much better.
"Would be good maybe in a basketball or hockey arena to announce the starting line-up."

Funniest slam of an audio component ever !

Ladies and gentlemen , starting at center for your magico Allstars..... EBM 
For better or for worse, listeners are definitely polarized about Magico speakers, in the way that they were polarized about Thiel 3.6 speakers way back when.
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