Heard Maggie 3.7i with..

...a Rogue Cronus Magnum driving them. The combo sounded surprisingly great. I was surprised that a 100 wpc amp could drive them so well. Anyone else have experience with "low" powered amps and Maggies. When I've had Maggies, I've always had amps in the 150 to 250 (8 ohms) range.  Though I now have Golden Ear Triton1s, I think I will eventually have Maggies again. I've heard the Cronus with T1 and it's also a great combo. 

I guess the point of all this is that while I generally believe you should choose speakers first and then choose the amp to drive them, I'm thinking of getting the Rogue now and the Maggies in the future. Mistake? Thoughts?
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Post removed 
Someone should have deleted most of this post.
I did want to know about Maggies and power options
but the non sense level here is wasting my time.
For all anybody knows, half of the members here could be female. Why you wonder? Because of the endless & stupefyingly idiotic, and uncreative, usernames. 

At least Elizabeth and I use our real names, or at least the names of actual people. 

Enough with the gender bashing / assumptions. Women have better hearing than men by the way. Biological fact, like it or not. Heck I trust Elizabeth's opinions over my own (well, neck & neck).