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Please stop selling your gear here. You are getting very tiring in your efforts.
Big speakers in small room at moderate volume levels
Wow you are willing to go through a lot of work. The one demo of the Magico's we heard they were way forward with gobs of deep bass. Even if you open up the room a bit you may still overload it. The Vandy Treo's do have less bass and a less aggressive voiicing then the Magico.s personally we feel that their bass is going to be a bit boomy but you will have less of it then the Magicos. Overall the room is still quite small we would still caution against any speakers with bass lower than 30hz range. Let us know your findings with the new Krell KAV 300i talked to Walter and he says it is amazing sounding. Time will tell. Dave and Troy Audio Doctor NJ |
Good thread. I don’t have any speaker advice but most all of our rooms are not large enough to support bass waves without bending them. Even a 40hz wave is 28’ long and that makes even the 1/2 wave 14’. It is just the way it is… a speaker that goes down to 40hz will still have standing waves (a spike followed by a dip) in most rooms. You need to find the residence of the room and try to trap that frequency. With that in mind you need to “eliminate” the room and sit as near field as possible imo. The other key will be NOT to sit with your head near the rear wall where that wave is changing direction. If I were you I would be looking at what speaker works the best in extreme near field (thinking driver placement and integration) and think about sitting very close to the speakers. I read the whole thread and see your are off the A3 now but I am curious why you did not look at the S1? This guy says it better than me. |
@james63 Thanks for the awesome vidoo link. I just watched the following. Nice to hear some of the science behind the acoustics. How To Get Good Bass In Small Rooms - What Are Standing Waves In Rooms? - How To Make Your Room Sound Larger - Unfortunately, I am sitting in the exact worst sport you have identified. There is nothing I can do about it because I need all those computer monitors on my desk. In the photo of my room you see the desk chair is against a 31 inch wall. I am getting room treatment panels for that 31" wall and the closet space and it is supposed to make it appear as if the wall does not exist right behind me. That is the takeaway from the description my friend with the Spendor D7 gave regarding the wall behind his couch. He has tamed the wall it in a manner that made the sound non-fatiguing. I am hoping the same happens to my situation. I have the opening of the closet space and now the ability to open the entrance door which I hope will make that 31" wall less of an obstacle. Without treatments when I play music (KEF LS50's) that is loud and hard the the sound is rather good with the room entrance door open, not so good with it closed. The reason I went to demo the Magico A3 over the S1 was because felt that the price of the S1 was not something I wanted to pay for that type of speaker. Also when I went to audition the A3 I was under the impression I that the house I would move to would have a larger office space. Maybe 2x as large as the current one. However, I decided to move to this current place because it is perfect for my kid. Another speaker that is maybe similar to the Magico S1 is the following: I heard the big brother, Vivid Kaya 90, on the same day as the Treo CT and Magico A3. It sounded great but (somewhat like the KEF Blade) it was too large a sound for my room and expensive. I know you are thinking about a Magico. Take a look at the Vivid if you have not done so already, it is an excellent speaker.. |
@audiotroy After watching those videos mentioned above it seems like the Magico A3 would really be tough to get into my room. Of course you did say that too. The Treo CT maybe possible. If you think driving to LA to bring a pair of Magico A3 's to my home is a PITA (it is). You should hear my 20 year old story of buying my Revel Salon 1 from Los Angeles when I lived near San Francisco. There were massive boxes that I drove by-myself to pick up, an open bed rental truck,
a raging winter storm that I thought was going to destroy the speakers,10* hour drive, pea soup fog with 2 foot visibility on a major hwy, police pulling me over,. Fun times. However, there is something that @tomic601 mentioned that I spent about 4 hours investigating yesterday that may give me some options. |