Great, affordable 720p pj...suggestion?

My old faithful infocus 4805 is having some issues after about 2000hrs over the last couple of years. I know this is not much hrs/time but I have this dark/shadow like area on the right side of screen that takes up approx 8 inches of the screen side. Not too distracting in most scenes but you know's a dinosaur and it has to go. So...what's the skinny on a great/cost effective 720p projector and from what dealer preferably online to save most? Thanks.
optoma hd65 looks even better than the 4805 (black level,color accuracy, rez (obviously), sharpness, etc. And I'm not even a fan of color wheel dlp's. But this one's a winner for like $800 retail at Best Buy! Infact, I've watched a couple movies on it thus far, and I nairly see rainbow issues, headaches, issues, any. The pic just looks great on a grey screen. Hope this helps
BenQ PE7700 for the longest time was being sold off at $750 online at the BenQ website.

I have a 7700 with a 116 DIY screen and it looks very good according to all reports.

The Projector people might be able to point you towards a few decent choices too.
This is one of the best budget the review at projector central. You get a free bulb from Epson if you buy before the end of the month.

You may like the Panasonic mentioned in the Epson review is the review of the Epson which also mentions the Panasonic.
