Oddfyi you and a small group of others have issues with us.
Many people do not they are not as vocal as you.
If you actually look at many of our responses we are giving good advice or calling attention to products that might not be getting notice.
The fact that we sell and have direct experience with many brands helps enrich the forums.
We started a post to find out about the new peachtree gear and it was shut down because of you and george
We do not sell Peachtree at all but are looking at flnding a 1k streming amp.
Is that fair.
You will find we have many more fans then you and your merry band of detractors.
The fact that you would not want to visit our shop which is one of the best on the East Coast because of a forum post is proof positive of how small you are.
If you really want to gauge reality it isnt on a forum it is in reality.
Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
Many people do not they are not as vocal as you.
If you actually look at many of our responses we are giving good advice or calling attention to products that might not be getting notice.
The fact that we sell and have direct experience with many brands helps enrich the forums.
We started a post to find out about the new peachtree gear and it was shut down because of you and george
We do not sell Peachtree at all but are looking at flnding a 1k streming amp.
Is that fair.
You will find we have many more fans then you and your merry band of detractors.
The fact that you would not want to visit our shop which is one of the best on the East Coast because of a forum post is proof positive of how small you are.
If you really want to gauge reality it isnt on a forum it is in reality.
Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ