Have you had enough of Classic Rock?

Anyone out there feel like I do?
@clearthink.   I find listening to Qui very Chaotic.

However if that's what makes one soar, who am I to judge?

I am I must admit a little puzzled why an individual would have a higher end system to listen to it's genre of music?  It is to me a sonic assault that requires little resolution to deliver it's content.

We must not forget Classic Rock is just that.
A mass of material of a certain age that has been widely accepted and to which it has set certain standards in the music industry.

It is a very succesful genre acheiving exactly what the artist intended when they wrote the songs....make no bones about it these artists wanted mass acceptance of the material.

@clearthink.        Further........I really believe that bands that deliver the qui sound with all its musical calisthenics and  melodies, could not write a ssuccesful pop or Classic Rock song if they tried.  It is much easier to thrash or avante garde a piece than it is  a 3 chord marvel.
When I am being diplomatic I say music is subjective, something like beauty is in the eye of the  beholder.  But some modern noises masquerading as 'music or poetry' is just pure shite.  When someone mentions Classic Rock I think of Deep Purple, The Doors, not Tamla Motown or Soul Music and groups like Foo Fighters give rock a bad perception.  However at the end of the day who cares about labels, just enjoy the music.....
I'm with @whart . Surprised no one mentioned Moby Grape, or did I miss it? I also discovered Isis, an all girl band whose eponymous 1974 album is still one of my favorites, Aum, a great early San Francisco band, and Motherlode, a wierd blues-rock band listening to WNEW late at night. Who can discount the entire British invasion or the Supremes, Chiffons, Shangri-Las, Etc. I only recently discovered Gene Clark's solo country rock albums. I could go no for paragraphs.

I don't understand why some snobs dedicated to Jazz and classical even read this thread, or why they feel obliged to trespass and put down genres that others love. I've never gone on a jazz thread and said "I don't believe anyone really enjoys Miles Davis. They're just trying to seem erudite." because I know that would be mean, petty, and offensive. Just start your own threads, please