@oem This thread is going way to fast for me.. Way back, power cables was mentioned.. For those that said that they don't make a difference, does speaker cables and interconnects make a difference ? I felt that if the latter two makes a difference then the power cables do to.. I swear when installed Audioquest's Hurricanes it improved the sound.. Maybe its just me thinking that ??.. I need one more to complete the full loom (4pcs).. I'll try 4 $100 cables after the complete loom and see..
We can slow down, no problem.
Audio cables make a difference no doubt. However after $100 I think there is little to gain. Cables have measureable and predictable effects of capacitance, inductance etc.
Just because they make a difference it does not follow that a power cord does. In power cables there is not much to measure and a lot of other wire to consider.