Which Class D Amplifier? PS Audio, Ghent, Nord, Merrill or other???

I’m looking for a new amp & want Class D.

I’ve seen various brands mentioned, such as PS Audio, Ghent, Nord, Merrel to name a few, but I’ve not heard any of them.

Which company is producing the best sounding Class D?
Which models should I be looking to demo?


     To date, I've used 3 different class D amps on my fairly inefficient and older Magnepan 2.7QR speakers (87db @1 watt):

ClassD Audio SDS-CS440 stereo amp. 44O W/CH at 4 ohms.

Emerald Physics EP-100.2SE stereo amp.  150 W/CH at 4 ohms.

D-Sonic M600 M3-600M mono block amps.  1,200 W/CH at 4 ohms.

     All drove my speakers well, have a decidedly neutral and accurate sound quality with noticebly better bass response and dynamics than my prior and decent quality class AB amps (McCormack and Aragon). 
     I'm currently using the D-Sonic on them because they sound the best to me due to the superior 3-D sound staging, life-like dynamic impact, tonal balance and the overall sense that you are at the venue or the musicians are in my room.  
      D-Sonic has replaced the M3-600M monos with their M3a-600M model which the owner, Dennis Deacon, stated now utilizes newer  Pascal class D modules instead of the original's Abletec/Anaview modules for what he described as a subtle improvement. 
     I've listened to the Bel Canto Design Ref600M amps in a friend's system and they are also very good with an overall sound quality that's very similar to the original D-Sonic.
     Please list your system, needs and budget for more specific suggestions.
Lyndorf.  You mean digital amp. Class D is one sort.  Lyngdorf is far better and uses Pulse Width Modulation. See their website: lyngdorfaudio.com. Peter previously owned TacT audio and has been manufacturing these types of amps for 20 years. And they mate perfectly with his Pre-room correction products and now integrated products too.  Best of all is that they can utilize digital and analog inputs, even HDMI. Better overall product than even Bel Canto at a portion of the price! As I said, all class D is is a digital amplifier. Pro audio uses those everywhere. There’s a world of difference here.
Nord Acoustics, when you call talk to Colin North he will fill you in on whatever you want info wise and set you up with a great deal, plus they Nord are in the UK. Products - Nord Acoustics  Nord One SE MKII
+1 Nuforce/Nuprime, particularly with Bob Smith's TDDS factory authorized mods. I had their monobloc Reference 9V3Se, then Reference 20 and Now Evolution One. Have heard many other class D and these are best I have heard. Disclosure, my Reference 20's are up for sale here, but with sale pending. They also use an original design versus standard or modified chips
NAD doesn’t get a lot of love on agon, but you might want to look at the NAD M22 v2.  Paired with the NAD M12 pre/DAC with BluOS module, they drive my Tannoy 8 dcti speakers quite well.