The new Benchmark DAC3 B is for you then, no volume control and no headphone out, $1700 I believe.
Measurements of Topping D50:
* SINAD (Signal over Noise & Distorion, more challenging that S/N) of 109dB
* Channel matching within 0.1dB
* Jitter-Test score of better than -125dBFS
* Linear performance within 1dB down past -120dB, so better than 20Bit
* THD below -107dB
* IMD at or below -65dB for content down past -55dBFS, and below -90dB for content down past -15dBFS
* 3rd and 5th harmonics below -115dB for a 1kHz tone
Show me where it audibly colors the sound. Keep in mind even the best rooms only allow for a dynamic range (loudest sound in the music down to the room’s noise floor) of like 60dB to 70dB, which is also why 24Bit usually has no audible benefit over 16Bit (which has >95dB or dynamic range).
Also, I^2 S offers no benefit over traditional connections (just like how DSD has no advantages over PCM), so it’s shouldn’t be a must have feature.
I state I am 98% certain as the Pagoda as effectively no specs and is a tube DAC, so near improbable that it would be as transparent as the DACs mentioned.