Meridian Sooloos or Qsonix? which is better?

I am in the hunt for an Audiophile level music server.

Today, i finally had a chance to view both of these systems.
Both of them have features that i like.
i will be connecting the server thru my dCS Scarlatti DAC.

since I running the server thru the Scarlatti DAC,is the quality more or less the same with either of these systems?

thanks for your input.

Unfortunately; I have had confirmation that Qsonix is closing up, and no longer selling their product. Some dealers may still be able to access their chief technical guy for unit repairs, and parts however...for limited continued support.
I am disappointed; as I made a major investment with them when I purchased their server; and upgraded to the 205, which I enjoy...but with this economy, more manufactures will have struggles to make ends meet...may they RIP...
No comaprison, the Meridian Sooloos system is much better than the Qsonix system.

You should also have a look at the Bryston BDP-1 digital player or even their newer model, the Bryston BDP-2.
I believe Qsonix is out of business.
I am wondering if the hard disk driver replaced with bigger ones without company assistance?  Can Anybody here share his/her experience with me?