Rogue audio amp thoughts

I am looking to upgrade my power section from Cambridge 640A to go with Rega Dac R and Tyler Taylo monitors.  I have listened to and am interested in Rogue, and after hearing the Cronus with the Tyler’s, realized I probably wouldn’t be fully satisfied with the Sphinx long term, but couldn’t replace with an all tube integrated or separates all at once.  I can use the pre section of Cambridge with a different power amp but not vice versa.  Would I be better off getting a Sphinx first And later getting a tube power (Atlas/ Stereo 90) later and use the Sphinx pre section, or pick up one of the above mentioned power amps first and use pre section of Cambridge until I can get a stand alone pre amp further down the road?  Thanks for any thoughts!
My local shop just got a Sphinx back in stock, so I could AB that with the Cronus with my speakers and dac, whether it was my other components being less than overly revealing or my ears being not as discerning, I actually didn’t hear much difference between the two, so I think I will go with the Sphinx when I can.  Now to start researching trade in vs selling.
I upgraded to a Rogue Cronos Magnum 2 three years ago from a Cambridge integrated . The Rogue is fantastic and service and support from Rogue excellent. I paired the amp  with Golden Ear Triton plus 2 speakers to boost bass . I bought the amp and speakers as a retirement gift to myself and plan to keep it until my kids send me to a home ! In my opinion you cannot go wrong w Rogue ! Best ! Russ
I recently heard  Cronus Magnum driving Maggie 3.7s....I was skeptical that it would have enough juice, but it sounded good. Probably wouldn't get them to ear splitting levels, but great for regular listening.