Preamp Choice... a hard call for me.

I have a Mac C-41 pre. I am building a "new" two channel system - amp- pre-cd-speakers. I can replace the Mac with a new Parasound P6... will I lose anything going from the Mac to the P6? the P6 has a great DAC and other useful features the Mac doesn't. Ahhhh. I would miss the pretty Mac light show... lol I am kinda old school but seems the P6 will do the Mac and more..

Help! lol
Why not keep the Mac and add an outboard DAC? What other features do you need that the Mac doesn't have?
Optical in n out... and the P6 is new. I know squat about DAC's so it would be easy to screw

I wonder if I could tell one from the other... I bought a pair of 10 T's and am upgrading everything it seems. I need to upgrade my source also... so I've been told. I have a Denon DVD 2900 that has served me well but many think this is the weak link. She has been a great player.

You will lose. Go for a C2600 - it has the built in DAC and countless features and will be a significant upgrade with the right tubes.