Are DAC's overpriced?

External DAC's are pretty expensive imho... BUT I don't know that much on how to choose one. I want mostly cd's in my small two channel system... I am rebuilding after selling my Logans and Mac amp to go back to "drivers"! The Logans wore me out with Maintenance.  Should I buy a new cd player or get a new DAC for my old player?  
Massdrop Grace SDAC, Topping D30, Schiit Modi 3, Khadas Tone Board (can be used bare, but would advise using a case). All are excellent and are <$150.

EDIT, seeing as your CD player pliekly only has digital coax or Toslink, then scratch off the Grace DAC, as it’s USB only.
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The CD player is a Denon DVD 2900... she has served me well... I'm thinking about selling my Mac pre and buying a Parasound P6... has all the features and (I think) a great DAC built in. It's confusing for me...