Tube info

Looking for suggestions for 12AU7 driver tubes in power amp. Looking for suggestions on NOS but affordable. Thank you in advance!
@mechans, my personal collection could easily be called obsession or even addiction.  From 2008 to 2010, I acquired over 1,500 tubes.  

Fortunately, I regained control and am down to somewhere in the 275 range.  Still, entirely too many.

The adrenaline rush of buying or winning an auction is far out-weighed by the real work of prepping, testing, taking pictures, posting listings, answering silly questions, ignoring low-ballers, packing, and shipping involved in selling. 

Buying is fun; selling is work.

NOS RADIOTECHNIQUE 12AU7, very dynamic tube. 
I am liking what I am hearing with new production tubes at a fraction of the cost. 
@BBrousardI hate selling.  The perfectionist buyers who think they are buying from a store with unreasonable expectations .  I don't even want to think of the bath I'm going to take on some of my tubes.  I never really thought about selling, and therefore keeping track of what I spent. I would leave it to my heirs but they will probably end up giving them away.I like my tubes and really don't want to sell.  If I did I would buy more to replace them.  What I am going to do with all my 6SN7s I'm not sure, I have a couple of dozen of Ws alone.  Some great some not so great.  I am too honest to be a good salesman .  Telling people AS IS, AS Found, ETC. when I know better.
I also run M-125s w matched GL KT-88 and the AB-Q Auto Bias. IMO, they are excellent and unbeatable for the money. Better than a PrimaLuna Prologue 5, which I also own.

As built by VTA, the M-125’s were very noisy, but can be quietened quite a bit. In my case, almost 40db.

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