2 Stereo amps to be used in Mono...hookup?


Could one explain the hookup from the preamp? Does left channel out from pre have to be Y'd to the left and right input of that designated amp....Carver M500t manual states..make sure both inputs are connected...
A little confused...


So.....from preamp left and right out to left and right. In of each amp?
You would "Y" connect the left output of the preamp into the left and right input on the amp that you hook your left speaker to and "Y" connect the right output from the preamp into the left and right inputs of the amp that you hook your right speaker to.

This amp is said to have
8-ohm FTC rated power/ch251W
4-ohm FTC rated power/ch450W
2-ohm dynamic power/ch500W

Why would you need more power for a pair of Boston A200’s?

As by bridging it, that’s all you’ll get more watts in a P.A. sense, everything else will take a hit sound quality wise.

Cheers George

Well I guess that opens things up to weather the sound would improve?

Would it not have any benefit as far as better seperation...i.e. Imaging..Soundstage?  Seems to be like the jury is not quite out on one amp or to Mono....
No all you gain is more wattage.

" all you gain is watts, distortion goes up, damping factor is reduced, stability into low impedance’s is reduced, and current ability is reduced. "Basically" you turn a good amp into a high wattage fair amp."

Cheers George