Focal Scala Utopia vs Wilson Sasha?


Just wondering if anyone has directly compared the Focal Scala to the Wilson Sasha? I have recently auditioned the Focal Scala a couple of times and whilst at first I was not quite satisfied , upon a second and more thorough listening I must say, I am seduced. Problem is, I have also loved Wilson speakers but, living in Australia- no one is getting the Sashas for another 2-3 months. Any suggestions?? Do I go with the Scalas now, or wait to audition the Wilson Sashas? Any thoughts would be helpful, thanks.
I have spent time with the Wilson WP7 and 8 and have listened to the Sasha. The Sasha sounded very different, less dynamic at the extremes and more balanced overall. I prefer a speaker that doesn't Wow me at first listen but overtime seduces me with realism. I think that the sasha does that better than the WP 7 or 8. I have not heard the Scala, sorry.
theese two are very diferent speakers. sasha smoother somewhat rounded in low midrange and "in your face" and bright and rough in higher midrange lower treble(not so bright like watt puppy but still quite bright) bass is punchy.

Scala have more dark presentation in higher midrange , high frequencies more crystal clear , not so spizzy, also less coloration in bass/mids than sasha. overal lower midrange higher bass is endlessly neutral by itseld with most natural intruments (like lower wind instruments which sounds amazingly clear and true) . bass goes deeper than sasha but not so strong , but it does not atrack atention to itself. sasha's soundtage is big but thin, scala soundstage have more "real bodyweight"

bad records sound much better on Scala than Sasha. on very low volumes sasha more lively.

overall I would call Scala conservative inspite it lively and crystal clear in hights. but still- comparing to Sashas Scala doesnt have very impressive first demo. its speaker -keeper which does everyhting very well and only after while we notice how right it does music. I would choose sashas if i play mostly energetic music with slamming bass and I wouldnt pick Scala as a home theater speakers..

pick up your poisions carefuly.

I would have to say that between those two, the Wilson's would probably play louder and cleaner. The Scala's are great at lowish volumes, but they fall apart with aggresive music. The Sasha's have more dynamic range, particularly in the bass with twin drivers. Having said all that, I'm not a huge fan of either of their tweeters, both made by Focal. It's pretty shrill either way. But if you value "transparency", I guess either can deliver the goods. But both speakers are kind of hi-fi to my ears.
Focal Utopia speakers exhibit the kind of clarity, transparency and finesse that grows on you after several listening sessions. Some of the most realistic sounds I've heard came out of Utopia Be speakers over the years, but somehow it took me a long time to realize how right they were. It's like refocussing your attention on what really matters. When I go see a concert, things feels natural and beautiful, not necessarily "impressive". We tend to get used to certain colorations in the way some speakers reproduce music.

Not a comment on the Sashas, which I haven't heard. But at this price level, you might want to wait a couple more months and listen for yourself.