Steve (audioengr) brings a good point: USB vs ethernet for connecting streamer to DAC. There are very few options for ethernet connected DACs, but this is said to have significant advantages such as no optimized computer needed as front end and that computer can sit anywhere in the house while with USB it needs to be close as possible and under 10 feet USB cable. Lynx sells a Dante card for the Hilo which apparently would enable this but I haven't tried because I already have the optimized computer. But if starting from scratch this is a decision worth keeping in mind: I could have my noisy general purpose PC connected thru ethernet to my Hilo and maybe get the same sound quality.
Steve also mentions USB regeneration if going USB, another good suggestion. I'm adding here since you are new to this: as far as I'm aware these devices are limited to 2-channel audio, so keep in mind/verify if thinking multichannel might be in your future. Yet to reinforce Steve's advice: when I was doing 2-channel I had my optimized PC going into an Audiophilleo (regenerator) feeding a Metrum Octave DAC. The combined price of Audiophilleo plus Octave was $2k. Three years later I tried in my system an Exasound e32 brand new technology with pico clock, top of the line, highly regarded DAC at $3k and the cheaper and older system sounded better so sold the e32. Good reclockers have a significant impact!! But limited to 2 channels so I don't use anymore.
I still think you would be better off starting with a computer you already have and adding a good DAC to get started. Consider USB vs ethernet DAC now you know pros/cons of each.
Steve also mentions USB regeneration if going USB, another good suggestion. I'm adding here since you are new to this: as far as I'm aware these devices are limited to 2-channel audio, so keep in mind/verify if thinking multichannel might be in your future. Yet to reinforce Steve's advice: when I was doing 2-channel I had my optimized PC going into an Audiophilleo (regenerator) feeding a Metrum Octave DAC. The combined price of Audiophilleo plus Octave was $2k. Three years later I tried in my system an Exasound e32 brand new technology with pico clock, top of the line, highly regarded DAC at $3k and the cheaper and older system sounded better so sold the e32. Good reclockers have a significant impact!! But limited to 2 channels so I don't use anymore.
I still think you would be better off starting with a computer you already have and adding a good DAC to get started. Consider USB vs ethernet DAC now you know pros/cons of each.