Focal Scala Utopia vs Wilson Sasha?


Just wondering if anyone has directly compared the Focal Scala to the Wilson Sasha? I have recently auditioned the Focal Scala a couple of times and whilst at first I was not quite satisfied , upon a second and more thorough listening I must say, I am seduced. Problem is, I have also loved Wilson speakers but, living in Australia- no one is getting the Sashas for another 2-3 months. Any suggestions?? Do I go with the Scalas now, or wait to audition the Wilson Sashas? Any thoughts would be helpful, thanks.

How many times have u compared scala and maestro head to head? You seem to have formed a form view scala is not quite there. Would b interested in learning more."""

around 4-5times, also had them in my studio for a week with my equipment where i listened them,did comparision and also measured them. I have ability to test speakers before instaling them. by no means Scala is "not there" its very carefyly balanced speaker with tons of audiophile details. Just I am not a fan of of recessed midrange "tunel" and more prefer presence "tunel" where sound is also liquid and not anoying or shouty but also have feeling of intruments presence and palpability. for my taste its the most critical aspect- balance- to have ENOUGHT stage deepness (most sonus faber speaker does that trick) perspective but at the same do not lack midrange presence (wilson audio wat puppy, sasha speakers for example). in this respect i found Maestro superior to Scala and Grande EM. I had Diablo in bedroom but replaced with Sonus faber auditor M,- Diablo is speakers which also have some signs of big brother Maestro(trying to achive that presence) and it is not good for evening listenings- its just sounds too atracting and require atention-in another words - its not for background listening.

""""""07-06-10: Mert
The thing is not buy a loudspeaker and accept how it sounds.
The thing is buy a loudspeaker and direct how it will sound.
There are variable factors that you may affect by choosing gear, powerconditioning, cables which will decide the character of overall sound.
When we talk about speakers around 30k usd range, simply we talk about a few exceptional designs available to end users. Most of them are well above certain level and capable 90-95 percent what Hi-End all about. Rest of the job is finding electronics and cables according to own taste.""""""""""

Mert, good point. however from my expierence nothing (except some changes- room acoustic) at whooping level will change speaker primary nature. yes hights can be smoothed out, or bass gripped up and so on. but some things is just against nature and physical laws. I myself for example prefer big orchestra and especialy wind bands -very few speakers on the market can reproduce scale ,presence and detail of wind instrumets(walthorn for example) focal has stuning ability to reproduce lower tone wind instruments in clear, non discorted or muddy aspect. for example when compared Scala and Maestro I listened listening Dallas wind orchestra "Strictly Sousa" and "Marches I've missed" albums- Scala does it clear and "audiophile" way-none detail is missing, while Maestro have the same, but also frigtnening presence of performance- I can feel wind instruments the energizing and vibrating air , and feel moments of dynamic outtakes when orchestra swings from fortissimo to pianissimo(not the backward-its the most enjoyable dynamic swing for me-when i hear "silence" in pause) I listen live performance one or two times in 2 weeks and would be silly to claim any speaker reproduce windband life like at all aspects but theese dynamic outtakes are damn close and this single aspect is enought for me to "take me there" - convince in musical performance.
I recently heard a pair at a PA dealer and I have to say I was pretty bored with the are talking about speakers that retail for the price of a mid size sedan!

I am astounded with the market for these...

Thanks, that is a lot of air time you've had with these speakers. Sounds like you work in the industry to have priviliged with so many fine speakers. While I see what you mean, I don't quite agree. Personally when I listen to music I want to engage. For background listening I could use a radio or alarm clock. I have my SF Cremona M. I do like these speakers a great deal, but they are a little polite and do not pull me into the music as much as scala. But I know what you mean very well, since my wife similar taste to your night time preference.

Did you say that Maestro is superior to Grande in soundstage/mid-range balance?


I am constantly astounded as this hobby grows... :) I hope to end the upgrading bit for many years with next upgrade. Depends entireley where you spend your time and what you enjoy. Car is important and i wouldn't spend more on hi-fi but priority could be very different for other people. I think enough said already on this sliperry topic!
Kw13> actualy my preference is also to have exciting expierence when listening to music, but in the evening time i like to read a book or do some other activity where music should be as background- not to draw atention to it. And Auditor M does this (except for the top octave - where its too "fresh" and too airy - i use tone control to atenuate high frequencies a bit)

as for maestro and grande EM-i sent email.
In this country, not just mid size sedans sold for speaker money but there are speaker cables and interconnects sold for sedan price ticket. Sad but it is very likely to be true!