Sony PS-X9

I'm close to making a purchase of mentioned TT.  Price is right at $13K.  Price wise, could I buy a better TT ??

Thanks in advance, 

 As a person who owns several rare top-of-the-line direct drive turntable‘s, I am not at all sure that $13,000 is the right price for the PSX9. That is for you to decide. However, I can say that I paid about half that much for an NOS technics SP 10 Mark III, about 7-8years ago. Also, Because the Sony is so rare, most of us have never heard it. Therefore, it is impossible even for someone like me to say whether there is something better out there for similar cost. I do know that my mk3 and my Kenwood L07D (currently worth $3500 to $5k) leave little to be desired.
Thanks for such prompt response.   I am aware that there is an up charge for its rarity.  I am wanting to collect, but also have a good sounding TT.  I have considered an SP 10, P3, and a GT 2000 vintage TT.  Newer models (pre owned) , I am considering a Kuzma or a Balance.  

There aren't many PS-X9 available to price check....

True that. I’ve only ever seen it in photos. JP Jones owns one I think. Perhaps he has an informed opinion.
JP does have one that came with an SME arm mounting board,
if I recall correctly replacing it with another original board
was proving very difficult.