@electo69 I never did find out which was which, but there was a difference. I'll check out the links again you've put up tonight, thanks. The fact that the Technics got close to the Caliburn is remarkable enough.
@schubert , my experiences with Nagoaka cartridges were all good. I loved that full sound, even the fairly basic MP11 outperformed all the Linn moving magnets.
I also wonder if the old drop of superglue trick on the removable stylus assembly still works? It seemed to help back in those crazy days when everything had to be bolted down with a torque wrench up to (and often beyond!) breaking point.
@schubert , my experiences with Nagoaka cartridges were all good. I loved that full sound, even the fairly basic MP11 outperformed all the Linn moving magnets.
I also wonder if the old drop of superglue trick on the removable stylus assembly still works? It seemed to help back in those crazy days when everything had to be bolted down with a torque wrench up to (and often beyond!) breaking point.