I have used and still own 5 Furutech GTX-R outlets. I now prefer the Synergistic Research Blue outlet. They have the big spaceous sound and detail of the GTX-R but the detail is more relaxed, and there does not seem to be any one frequency that is emphasized. These are two excellent outlets, I simply prefer the Blue.
I have no uneasy feelings about the "build quality" of the Blue Outlets and the grip on the inserted plugs is just the right amount. The Blue plugs are easy to try in a system. They are well-stabilized after 12 hours of being in place and total break-in is done by 10 days. The GTX-R break-in is all over the place for 3 to 4 weeks.
I think auditioning a Blue Outlet is a fun experiment and easy to do.
David Pritchard