Has anyone added a small subwoofer to 2 channel and been thrilled with the result?

The subwoofer can of worms.
I’d like to add some bass to my otherwise fine 2 speaker setup and have limited space so perhaps a single 10in?
After a few weeks of research the only conclusion I can come up with is - everyone agrees they have to be setup properly. Every brand and technology has their own following and most recommend using 2 (which I don’t want due to space concerns). My room is 12 x 13 ft with box raised ceiling.
After much research, these are the subwoofers I’m trying to pick from, for various reasons:
Rythmik FM8  - lots of hifi fans
JL audio e110 - fantastic support
REL T/9i - sort of a gold standard
KEF R400b - interesting technology, makes me grin. 

I've never heard any of these.
Hegel H160
SF Concerto speakers on stands.
I added a Gallo 10" sub to my German FJ  2 Way loudspeakers. It is 300 watts and goes down to 18Hz. It is fully adjustable and I was able to integrate it perfectly with the speakers. I set its crossover setting to 50Hz I connected it with the 2nd set of outputs from my preamp. I didn't have a lot of room for a sub, so it being only 10.5" wide it fit nicely.
Dont know the Kef or Rythmic .. know JL is a respected sub company.
Had a Paradigm 2200, nice. But what a step up for me going to Rel. My vote is for REL!

I added a 328 to my Monitor Audio small Gold 10 monitors, then upgraded speakersto tower Aerial 7b's. In both cases the REL has been a nice cleaning up and defining to the bottom octaves.

I liked the philosophy of signal transference from amp to sub regarding signal timing as it relates to speaker woofer & sub unity versus that from the pre-amp to sub. The idea floated is can we assume that pre-amp to sub via LFE is timing coherent with whats being sent thru via pre-amp/amp/speaker to eliminate a potential "time smear" (my terminology). It also made sense to me that the amps output would more likely align the sub to subtle sonic characteristics found in the amp.

Just my experience between the LFE input use w/the Paradigm versus the amp output to the REL gave me a sense there maybe something to the concept.
Take a look at the SVS sb3000 - its their newest model that allows dsp control from an app on your phone. You can download the app to check the settings out before purchasing anything. For 1k, seems like a great product - its next on my list to check out!
I bought a Rythmik f12, i have been running them along with my Scientific fidelity Crown Jewels. I have also ran them with my Acoustat Monitor 3's crossover set around 60 and it was surprisingly coherent and musical.